Conversations with Taiichi Ohno is a fictional account of probing conversations between the author and Taiichi Ohno. It explores the purpose and meaning of the Toyota Production System and how it anticipated today's digital age. Ohno's remarkable work and his unique way of thinking created a new management system that will energize and strengthen corporate digital transformation. Learn why the Toyota Production System is more relevant in the 21st century than it was in the 20th century and how it will help your company survive and prosper in the digital age.In danger of being forgotten as the years go by, critical elements of Ohno's work remain unknown, poorly known, or misunderstood. Ohno reminds us that good thinking, steady work habits, daily improvement, and long-term commitment to a purpose remain necessary now and into the future. Conversations with Taiichi Ohno is an exposition of the management thinking, practice, and decision-making that enables TPS to be established and evolve in your company to achieve success in the digital age.