J. B. Hixson serves as the founder and president of Not By Works Ministries. Since 1999, Not By Works has been committed to promoting the clear, accurate, and urgent Gospel message. According to the Bible, eternal life is found only through faith in Jesus Christ alone, who died and rose again for our sins. Not By Works seeks to advance the message of God's amazing grace through a nationwide conference-speaking ministry; through the publication and distribution of books, DVDs, CDs, and other biblical resources; and through a daily radio program. For more information about hosting a Not By Works conference in your area, please visit www.NotByWorks.org.
Additionally, Dr. Hixson is a pastor, professor, and national conference speaker. He earned his BA degree from Houston Baptist University; ThM degree from Dallas Theological Seminary; and PhD degree from Baptist Bible Seminary. Dr. Hixson has been involved in pastoral and academic ministry since 1987. He is the author or editor of several books, including Getting the Gospel Wrong, The Gospel Unplugged, The Great Last Days Deception, What Lies Ahead, The NBW Book of Theological Charts, Diagrams, & Illustrations, and Freely by His Grace. He also has written for or contributed to numerous theological journals, magazines, newspapers, blogs, and newsletters.
J. B. and his wife, Wendy, have six children and one grandchild.