SECOND EDITION, Bonus resume templates included!
Are You Tired of Struggling To Land Job Interviews? If So Then Keep Reading Below To Learn How To Make A Killer Resume
So many people take writing their resumes way too lightly. Imagine this scenario, you have a potential employer at a company and he's flipping through the applicants and comes across your resume. As he picks it up suddenly the one behind yours catches his eye because the applicant put that extra effort into making it look great. So he sets yours down and forgets about it forever.. The other applicant gets the job.
This can easily happen even when you are more qualified than another person, if they stand out more than you then you might never get the call. So it's very important to spend time perfecting your resume. Many people realize this, but don't have any idea what to do to give theirs the extra edge. The
truth of the matter is if you are having trouble creating a resume that will land you an interview it is because you are lacking effective techniques and strategies on exactly what to do. This book has step by step advice that will shoot your resume to the top of the list.
A Preview of What You Will Learn - How To Make Your Resume STAND OUT
- Why You Need To Focus On Importance
- Ways To Express And Leverage Your Value
- Key Mistakes To Avoid
- The Top 5 Resume Building Tips
- Much, much more!
Here Are Some Tips Straight From the Book - You have to keep your resume up to date, but it does not need to include everything there is to know about you. When you are sitting down and deciding what you are going to put in your resume you need to first understand that it is best if you only have one page if possible. - Ask yourself, if I were looking to hire someone would I consider someone with my resume. You need to understand that it is not the reader's intention to include your resume in the small pile of potential hires but to exclude it. For this reason you need to make sure that you are only including relevant information and that you do not look as if you are trying to build yourself up. - It all boils down to is knowing what the reader will be looking for. If you can successfully convey the exact message the employer wants to see, you will get the call. Take charge of your life today and buy this book!