Born on the twin backs of torpidity and obsession, In the Beggarly Style of Imitation is a voyage into the mind of one of the Canadian literary underground’s most unruly writers. Equal parts tribute to the historical genesis of the novel and the well-trodden subject of love, the exercises of imitation contained in this collection offer a brief survey through the illustrious forms and genres of literary expression: epistolary, aphorism, essay, picaresque, romance and satire culminate in a celebratory brand of fiction that proves with finality that imitation is truly the vilest form of flattery.
“Ah-Sen's work is a treasure—playful, curious and mischievous. Reading his work is like being guided through a storm by a generous but unhinged soothsayer, one who never forgets the pleasures of language or the vagaries of relationships. Ah-Sen is consistently capable of finding great beauty and piercing insight amidst the banalities of daily life.”