About Ginna BB Gordon: Ginna has owned businesses (the Book Studio, Ginna's Café, Ginna & Co.), managed kitchens and cafés in other folks' businesses (Rainbow Ranch Calistoga, the Chopra Center for Well Being La Jolla, The Thunderbird Bookshop & Café Carmel, Cornucopia Café & Market Carmel) and created events for non-profits (the Carmel Music Society, the Carmel Bach Festival, the American Tall Ship Institute) as well as for many private clients (including Steven Seagal at his home in Southern California, where Tibetan monks roamed the halls and created fire pujas in the backyard while Ginna prepped dinner for six, or eight or 20, depending upon the star's whim). Throughout her busy 30-year career in the food and event business, Ginna has entertained herself and friends with art and garden parties, ceramic workshops, gifts from the garden and kitchen and herbal products for the body and table. Ginna is a dedicated Maker, DIY Artist and Upcycler. Ginna has (so far) authored four books about cooking: A Simple Celebration - the Nutritional Program for the Chopra Center for Well Being (Random House/Harmony Books 1997); Bonnebrook Farm and The Gingerbread Farm, glimpses of the many teachers and styles of cooking Ginna experienced in her journey as a retreat cook and café chef; and First You Grow the Pumpkin, which shares favorite tricks for growing, preserving and creating in the kitchen. The Soup Kit continues the how to series. Ginna studied Ayurveda and the Ayurvedic cooking style with Drs. Deepak Chopra, David Simon and Shamali Joshi. Her studies in the arts included UCLA Interior Design, the Guild of the Books Arts Carmel, Monterey Peninsula College and privately with myriad artists in and around California, including Alison Stillwell Cameron (Chinese Calligraphy), Tulku Jamyang Rinpoche (Tibetan Thangka Painting) and Louisa Jenkins (collage). Currently, Ginna and her husband, performer, lecturer and author David Gordon (www.spiritsound.com) are partners in Lucky Valley Press, a pre-press and indie publishing company. www.luckyvalleypress.com