In the 17th century, an humble Spanish nun, María de Agreda (1602-1665), became the most popular person in Europe. Europe's royalty and highest social classes were at her feet, kneeling before her. Everyone wanted to hear her explain how she bilocated to what is now Southwestern USA, converting several large Indian tribes to Catholicism before her compatriot Spanish soldiers and priests arrived. Not only did she preach to them in their own languages, but she brought them gifts of rosaries, crucifixes, and chalices. She did this approximately 500 times, often twice a day. This is a bonafide historical fact which any serious investigator can prove to himself.
Gene Matlock's book, Reaching for God-Now a Valid Science!, presents a powerful spiritual method which, for once and all time, will clear up the mystery of God. Even atheists and skeptics can accept it. It unifies all religions as one and the same. No priests and gurus needed. It makes religion workable. No longer will anyone have to survive on blind faith, grinding his teeth to talcum powder, and crossing his fingers, hoping for the best. After finishing this book, the reader will know all anyone needs to know, or will ever know, about God-and what to do about it. Guaranteed!
Millions of people, from all over the world and of all religions, have read Gene Matlock's online articles about mankind's religions, gods, and Turkish-Hindu origins!