The second volume of Excavations at Mendes provides results of archaeological work in the temple area and dromos at the site of Tel er-Rub'a, ancient Mendes, in the east central Nile Delta.
Donald B. Redford, PhD (1965), University of Toronto, is Professor of Ancient Mediterranean Studies at Pennsylvania State University. He has been engaged in archaeological field-work in Egypt since 1968. He has published numerous articles, monographs, and books on Egyptian history including Ram-Man: The Story of Ancient Mendes (Princeton University Press, 2010). Susan Redford, PhD (2006), Pennsylvania State University, is Teaching Professor of Egyptology at that university. She has carried out archaeological field research at East Karnak, the Theban necropolis, and in the Nile Delta for the past 40 years. She is the author of The Harem Conspiracy (Northern Illinois University Press, 2002).