The back country can be an extremely intimidating place even in the best conditions and in the best-case scenario. In my 30 plus years as a NOLS student(not to mention I'm a 25 year veteran as a Red Cross Instructor) I have learned what I can expect from Mother Nature:Don't take Her lightly,and above don't disrespect Her! ~When discussing back forty survival on the other-hand, we can have a tad bit of fun and a humorous attitude when learning about how to NOT die out there!
This tongue and cheek book is humorous but information packed; the contents are taken form my actual script of wilderness survival classes I taught at cross country lodge, with each chapter addressing a different survival skill that can help you in the event of a back country adventure going wrong and you find yourself lost or stranded in a wilderness setting. I kept it very basic and very short; the idea is you can bring this light weight booklet with you in your pack and have it on hand when you venture forth into the great outdoors.