Another Day In The Life is introduced and narrated by Ringo Starr, with forewords by legendary movie director David Lynch and rock photographer Henry Diltz. Ringo shows us the world as seen through a Starr's eyes, in more than 500 observational photographs and rare images from the archives, and an original text of nearly 13,000 words.
Starr shows the world as seen through his eyes in more than 500 observationalphotographs and rare images from the archives, and an original text of nearly13,000 words.
“Highlights a lesser-known aspect of Mr. Starr’s restless creative spirit: Ringo Starr, photographer.” - The Wall Street Journal
“Another Day in the Life follows Ringo’s adventures around the world, dating back to his Fabs days.” - Rolling Stone
"All I can say is 4 words: IT IS REALLY GREAT!!!" - R. Hatheyer, Austria
"It is an absolute masterpiece, you have made my week" - A. McCormack, Germany
"Excellent to have an insight in Ringo's world" - R. Verté, Belgium