The starship from Earth arrives at the world called Creation expecting to be met by the computer entity that ruled the world, instead they are met by a beautiful woman, Maya. She now represents the planet, but who is Maya, there should be no humans on the planet? Is she real or another computer? The question becomes more important when Maya falls in love with one of the human ambassadors, Victor, from the ship.All of this changes when a menacing presence makes itself known, a presence not of this planet, determined to assassinate Maya. Only by sacrificing himself is Victor able to save Maya. The situation becomes even more dangerous when it is discovered that the assassin was a machine hiding within a living body. Now the crew of the ship are faced with finding out where this menace has come from, and why does it want to assassinate Maya? The survival of the spaceship and Creation now depends on finding where these strange aliens are coming and stopping them from assassinating Maya. This all becomes imperative when the ship is attacked by three enemy spaceships hiding in a distant asteroid belt. The threat becomes even deadlier when it is discovered that these ships are manned by intelligent machines embedded in the bodies of living hosts. To lose the battle means the machines will use the bodies of the crew to embed their clones into. New machines to attack the planet again.