In this book Richard Susskind, a pioneer of rethinking law for the digital age confronts the challenges facing our legal system and the potential for technology to bring much needed change. Drawing on years of experience leading the discussion on conceiving and delivering online justice, Susskind here charts and develops the public debate.
In Online Courts and the Future of Justice, Richard Susskind, the world's most cited author on the future of legal service, argues that online courts will transform litigation and solve two problems: less than 50% of humanity have access to justice; and, in most legal systems, resolving legal disputes is too costly, slow, complex, and antiquated.
In summary, Susskind's latest book is another extraordinary contribution to justice reform. It is an engaging work that will hopefully spark debate and reform. It is written with a lively tone and provides much food for thought about what our justice systems could look like now and into the future.