The British Empire has seized the Martians' technology and unlocked its secrets for themselves. It is a Golden Age of discovery, adventure, culture, invention-and of domination, and rebellion. Scarlet Traces reveals a world of ant-headed nightmares; vacuum salesmen; war machines; deadly secrets and clockwork marvels...
"This is exceptional: scathing socio-political satire made sweet by being British speculative fiction through and through." * Page 45 * "A saga over a decade in the making" * * "A series that increases its dramatic and imaginative scope with every step. It's clever, accessible, scary, thought-provoking and thrilling, all wrapped up in a beautiful package" * * "a showcase for D'Israeli's art, every face a moment of peace or panic in a vividly identifiable style, traditional in its framing but radically expressive in the figurework. It's a very productive friction, beefing up a robust science-fiction air for the Wells adaptation and emphasising the physical impact of Martian war machines, laying waste to pastoral Surrey and ingesting plenty of the population." * Tripwire (On Scarlet Traces comics) * 'A vivid and exciting version of the original story combined with a wonderful sequel' * Starburst Magazine * 'A uniquely strange and absorbing body of work' * AV Club (on Scarlet Traces comic) *