Athletes participating at all levels of endurance performance can relate to the impact of psychological factors. Whether it is motivation, self-belief, feeling nervous, exercise-induced pain, sticking to a pacing strategy, or thoughts around what to focus on, there are a vast number of psychological factors which can affect endurance performance.
Athletes participating at all levels of endurance performance can relate to the impact of psychological factors. Whether it is motivation, self-belief, feeling nervous before a race, exercise-induced pain, sticking to a pacing strategy, or thoughts around what to focus on, there are a vast number of psychological factors which can affect endurance performance.
Bringing together experts in the field from around the world, this is the first text to provide a detailed overview of the psychology of endurance performance where there is a research and an applied focus looking at both main theoretical models as well as how interventions can support an athlete's efficacy and well-being. The authors look at regulatory processes around pain, decision-making, self-belief, emotions, and meta-cognition, before examining a range of cognitive strategies, including the use of imagery, goals, self-talk, and mindfulness techniques. With a final section of the book outlining issues related to mental health that are relevant to endurance performance, the book shows that the future of research and application of psychological theory in endurance performance in sport is bright and thriving.
Aimed at researchers, students, coaches, and athletes themselves, this is essential reading for anyone wishing to better understand how our minds experience endurance in performance arenas, and what psychological techniques can be used to make us more efficient.
"As both an exercise scientist and a runner, I have always been intrigued by the interaction between physical and psychological performance during endurance activities. In this innovative text, Carla Meijen explores the psychology of human endurance including pain management, decision-making, self-belief and motivation. Drawing on expertise from a range of world-leading specialists, Meijen clearly articulates the scientific and cognitive basis behind many of the psychological factors that influence endurance performance, whilst providing self-help guidelines that will be of benefit to both coaches and athletes. The text should be of interest to scientists and practitioners who have an interest in endurance sport, or to anyone who wishes to better understand their own body, and how best to cope with the mental challenges that are an integral part of human endurance performance." - Professor John Brewer, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Buckinghamshire New University, UK.
"With athletes regularly questioned to why they are not able to maintain their performance throughout the entirety of an event, this text provides a useful insight to understand why. Having assembled an international cast of leading academics and practitioners involved in the psychology of endurance performance, the text presents some of the most contemporary theoretical positions, evidence-based interventions, future research and applied suggestions. The text is an essential resource for anyone working within endurance activities, especially if they are prepared to see beyond traditional psychological approaches." - Richard Thelwell, Professor of Applied Sport Psychology, University of Portsmouth, UK.