Professor Michael Hann (BA, MPhil, PhD, FRSA, FRAS, FTI) holds the Chair of Design Theory at the University of Leeds. He is also Director of ULITA - an Archive of International Textiles, an important international archive (and, in the context of this book, a source of illustrative material). He has published across a wide range of subject areas, has made numerous keynote addresses at international conferences, and is an acknowledged international authority on the geometry of design. Recent book publications include: Hann, M (2012). Structure and Form in Design (London: Berg); Hann, M. (2013), Symbol, Pattern and Symmetry (London: Bloomsbury) and Hann, M. (2015), Stripes, Grids and Checks (London: Bloomsbury). He has held adjunct, visiting or invited professorships at institutions in Belgium, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea and the Peoples' Republic of China. |