Writer-artist-editor (and all-around comics visionary) Harvey Kurtzman
teamed up with legendary artists Wally Wood, Johnny Craig, Jack Davis, Al
Feldstein, John Severin, Will Elder, and Dave Berg to create these powerful
stories of struggle and humanity that are considered to be among the best war
stories ever told. Reprints six complete issues (24 stories),
The subject matter for "EC Comics" were horror, science fiction/fantasy, crime stories, war stories and stories with a social message that generally had a twist or "shock" ending. This volume reprints the second six complete issues (24 stories) of the comic book "Two-Fisted Tales", originally published in 1952, and features stories of fighting men and war, usually told from the viewpoint of the futility of war. These were really anti-war stories, and were characterized by their historical accuracy in depicting events of the Civil War, World Wars I and II, and the (then-current) Korean War. Written and edited by Harvey Kurtzman, the creator of "MAD Magazine". "MAD" was a comic book in the "EC" line for 23 issues before becoming a magazine.