As an integral part of the community, libraries need to move beyond diverse collection development and social issues displays. Here, experienced librarians offer suggestions, guidance and inspiration to motivate librarians at all levels to consider the assumptions we may take for granted, seek out new creative paths, and work to support change.
In a rapidly changing world with myriad conflicting voices, the library's role as a place of safety and inclusion and as a repository of knowledge cannot be overstated. Librarians must serve as community leaders with a mission to educate and inform, ready to model the principles they support. The question for many is: how?
Experienced librarians offer ideas and guidance in seeking new creative paths, working to support change in library organizations and reexamining principles that may be taken for granted. Theoretical foundations are discussed, along with practical ideas such as the creation a book groups for the intellectually disabled and partnership with social workers or advocates for employees with disabilities.