Responding to a recent surge in interest, this is the first book to comprehensively address how Lean thinking and tools can be implemented in agriculture. This handbook breaks down barriers, clearly showing how techniques originally developed for use in factories work just as well on farms.
Responding to a recent surge in interest and application, this book is the first to comprehensively address how Lean thinking and tools can be implemented in agriculture and agribusiness. This tactical guide breaks down barriers, clearly depicting how improvement techniques originally developed for factories can derive the same powerful results on farms.
Expert Lean farming consultants, Susanne Pejstrup and Vibeke Fladkjaer Nielsen, present these methods in a clear, easy-to-read style, accessible to farmers all over the world. Case studies from multiple farm types - including crops, pigs and dairy cattle - demonstrate how respect for people, continuous improvement, and visual management techniques can improve resilience and profitability on the farm. Richly illustrated, Lean in Agriculture appeals not only to farmers, but to farm workers, food processing companies, veterinarians, consultants and other stakeholders in the agribusiness sector.
Key Features:
Translates Lean thinking into agricultural terms.
Takes a people-centric approach to a Lean agricultural production system.
Serves as an implementation guide , with clear writing and concise, easy-to-follow instructions tailored to the agricultural sector.
Illustrates agriculture-specific Lean implementation with a wide range of case studies and memorable images.