Part-book, part-game, this collection of 165 insightful questions is a fun, surprising path to deeper self-knowledge.
What do you think about before you fall asleep?
What’s the wildest thing you’ve ever done?
When have you stood up for yourself?
Questions to inspire you to reflect, questions to reveal memories and ideas, questions to tap into your sense of adventure, and questions to point the way to your inner strength. This whimsical illustrated collection presents a wonderfully unexpected way to learn more about yourself, a friend, or a loved one. Best of all, there are no right answers—only the imperative to stay curious, honest, and open.
Incisive questions can inspire self-reflection, spark ideas, and, best of all, reveal surprising truths. From Flow, the champions of meditating on life's simple pleasures, here's a book of 165 creative questions, some sweet, some silly, some unexpectedly provocative, that will open the mind to deeper self-knowledge. There are no "right" answers--the point is simply to stay curious and stay open to learning about oneself or a friend, partner, or roommate. There are questions to prompt memories: How many homes have you lived in? To fuel a fantasy life: Which historical event do you wish you could have seen with your own eyes? To tap into your sense of adventure: What's the wildest thing you've ever done? To remind you to live in the present: What were the three best things that happened today? To celebrate your strength: When have you stood up for yourself? A signature Flow book in its mindful theme and charming, colorful aesthetic with vibrant patterns and hand-lettering, Know Yourself is a pleasure to browse through and share.