Three hundred and seventy-five specially selected couples have traveled from all over the world to space elevator stations and have passed through fantastic space hotels on their way to their new home, that is currently in Earth orbit. This destination is Gaia II, an amazing O'neill cylinder generation starship. Gaia II is mankind's first attempt to send humans to another star system. Six beautiful living regions have been designed and constructed in two cylindrical habitats, by Disney International, using claytronic atom technology. On January 28, 2112, Gaia II will leave Earth orbit with a send off that will far overshadow the millennium celebration of the year 2000. The generation ship's first stop is Gliese 250Ac, the most Earth-like planet known within thirty-two light years. A mid-voyage crisis almost puts an end to this ambitious 600 year mission before it even has a chance to get started. Feelings of rapture and disbelief overcome the crew as they near the double star system of Gliese 250. They face a challenge never faced before as they try to leave behind probes during the flyby of the companion star. When they reach their destination, the Gaians have to make a decision of galactic importance. Come along on this epic journey and find out what happens.