This humorous saga, following the doings of the Second World War's most dysfunctional family, contains lots of information about the social conditions of the time and the progression of the war, wrapped-up in a jokey parcel. The residents of Balaclava Terrace are proud of their war effort. All the houses have shiny polished doorsteps, and all the small back gardens produce vitamin-packed vegetables. As night draws in every curtain is pulled tight to preserve the black-out, and as morning comes every family springs out of bed, ready to do their bit for Britain. Every family except The Pitts! Number 46 is the shame of Balaclava Terrace. Mucky and ramshackle, with weeds so high the holey curtains are hardly visible, the small house is packed full of the dreadful Pitt family. Make do and Mend follows the Pitts' struggle with clothes rationing, the Black Market and bureaucracy.