This text evolved as a response to numerous requests to present a simplified approach to the diagnosis and management of most of the common aspects of both cosmetic and medical venous disorders.
This book shall assist the microscopist in a practical way, with the help of three mainstays, a. clinical information, b. the resources a standard histopathology laboratory may offer and c. the light microscope, to approach and solve the diagnostic problems he/she may face in the field of dermatopathology. In fact, this is the way in which the senior author of this book has been successfully working over thirty years in his capacity as director of a private dermatopathology laboratory.
From the reviews:
"In this book, the authors deliver a straightforward guide to the diagnosis and management of venous disease. The book is marketed to clinicians involved in the treatment of venous disease, including interventional radiologists, dermatologists, and vascular surgeons. ? this book serves as a starting point for the interventional radiologist or other practitioner interested in nonsurgical interventions. ? This work is a well-written, concise introductory text that offers a foundation for those beginning a practice for treating venous disorders." (Andrew J. Degnan, Radiology, Vol. 268 (1), July, 2013)
"This is a complete guide to the management and treatment of patients with superficial venous disorders, appropriate for both novices and experienced clinicians. ? This book will be appreciated by the full range of practitioners, from nurses to physicians, novices to experts, interventional radiologists to dermatologists to vascular surgeons. Literally anyone who cares for patients with superficial venous disease will find value in this book. ? an invaluable resource for experienced practitioners as well as a great starting point for students who are just learning." (Scott Resnick, Doody's Book Reviews, March, 2013)