Donald Scheller began Donald Trump's first 100 days in a state of curiosity, just wondering if the office would change the man. He was hoping Trump might evolve from the brash, rude, "facts are optional" candidate into someone more befitting of the title of President of the United States. But he hoped in vain. What may work in business seldom is as effective in politics.
"I find myself watching the news more lately than I ever did during the days of Nixon and Watergate. I have to write about it through the diffusion of humor and "brief forms" (I refer to them as musings); else I'd be reduced to anger and frustration. I still tune in daily but no longer labor under the pretense that Trump can or will change. There are less angst-inducing activities in my life. There will be no second hundred days for me. Enjoy the new reality for as long as it lasts." --Donald T. Scheller, June, 2017