This book is the English translation of the Malayalam novel 'Ini Njan Urangatte' (And Now Let Me Sleep), a novel that subsists on the Mahabharata. The book is unparalleled in its lofty language, imagery, and depth and is considered one of the best classics in the language. The novel is the story of Karna as seen through the eyes of Draupadi. A work originating from the Vyasabharatha, it has caught the stylized language and mood of the great epic. It gives a new intellectual and spiritual dimension to a recreated Draupadi (the wife of the Pandavas). Her painful story unveils around the unacknowledged eldest Pandava, Karna, born to maiden Kunti from the Sun God. The novel maintains the original story, epic atmosphere, events, and characters which distinguishes it from other works based on the Mahabharata.
Translation of one of the most widely read books in the Malayalam language, it is the story of Karna developed through the thought process of Draupadi and her life. Without deviating from the story, situations or the epic grandeour of the Mahabharata, it lends a new interpretation to their story. All variations come in the recreated situations and in the mental space and thought processes of the characters. With this limited manoeuvring space the author createssomething original.