The development of self- and emotional regulatory processes helps children to regulate their behavior based on their cultural context and to develop positive social relationships. This handbook brings together heretofore disparate literatures on self- and emotional regulation, brain and physiological processes, mastery motivation, and atypical development to highlight how mastery motivation is related to self-regulation and to clarify the relation between these various processes. Authors from a variety of countries and backgrounds provide an integrated, up-to-date review of the research and the key theoretical models to demonstrate how these processes relate to cultural and individual differences in both typical and atypical development. The renowned editors, all experts in a particular domain of self-regulation, provide section opening chapters that review the literature, provide a perspective that explains the findings, and suggest directions for future research. Although the focus is on quantitative studies, some qualitative findings and research using brain imaging methodologies are included.
Outstanding features include:
- Reviews the development of self and emotional regulation from infancy through adolescence.
- Contributors from various countries and backgrounds provide an integrative review of the literature to guide the direction of future research.
- Features contributions from those who have had a strong impact on self-regulation research.
- Reviews research on developmental disorders that have implications for self-regulation.
There are four sections. Section one introduces the development of self- and emotional regulation. This section reviews how self-regulation adapts based on personal and culturally-based goals and how individual differences predispose some to behavior disorders. Socialization influences are examined including a look at when typical regulation processes go awry. Section 2 examines physiological and brain processes as they relate to the development of typical and atypical processes, along with neurocognitive development of performance monitoring and how these processes change over time, cortical activation differences, and behavioral and electrocortical measures of attentional bias. Section 3 reviews the development of self-regulation and mastery motivation including a review of the Dimensions of Mastery Questionnaire (DMQ), cross-national comparisons, and what the DMQ can tell us about self-regulation. The section concludes with a look at the development of self-regulation and mastery motivation in individuals with a developmental disability. Section 4 examines self-regulation in atypical development and evidence-based treatment approaches in children with ADHD, autism, and Down syndrome.
This book is intended for researchers, graduate students, and practitioners in psychology, neuroscience, human development, and education interested in the development of self and emotional regulatory processes.
The development of self- and emotional regulatory processes helps children to regulate their behavior based on their cultural context and to develop positive social relationships. This handbook brings together heretofore disparate literatures on self- and emotional regulation, brain and physiological processes, mastery motivation, and atypical development to highlight how mastery motivation is related to self-regulation and to clarify the relation between these various processes.
"Kudos to the editors for securing this collection of outstanding and diverse papers on the topic of development of self-regulation. This book will be required reading for the students in my lab and classroom." - Kristin A. Buss, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
"This thoughtful and thought-provoking book on self-regulation by internationally renowned researchers will appeal to scholars and students alike. This book is both unique and compelling in its examination of self-regulation in all children, including those with typical and atypical pathways of development." Penny Hauser-Cram, Boston College, USA
"This handbook will be a critical reference for both scientists and students. The singularly impressive cast of leading researchers has bridged neurobiological, cognitive, affective and social perspectives on the development of self-regulation.? This will stand as both a comprehensive guide for understanding this vitally important topic and a framework for advancing the next generation of studies on self-regulation."- Paul D. Hastings, University of California, Davis, USA
"More and more psychologists ... are talking now as if self-regulation is one of the most important ? aspects of human behavior and human development. ?People in ? various areas ... could profit from having all of this material easily accessible in one place. It is timely!" - Jacqueline Sue Eccles, University of Michigan, USA
"Combining into a single volume the?literatures of emotional regulation, brain processes, mastery motivation, and self regulation is a useful endeavor. ... [This book will] advance the field ?and ?[will be] attractive to a variety of researchers and scholars. ?I am impressed by the breadth of viewpoints ?the international flavor of the volume ... [and] by the scholarship of the volume." - Kay Jennings, University of Pittsburgh, USA
"This volume is the most through treatment to date of the all-important concept of emotion and self-regulation. It is unique in bridging the theoretical with the empirical, the normal with the idiopathic, the developmental and the adult literatures, and the neurophysiological with the behavioral aspects of self-regulation. The contributors represent the best authorities in this field, and they provide a breadth of coverage that is simply stunning. The volume is a rarity" a superior reference resource, and a rich guide for future research in the field." - Joseph J. Campos, University of California, Berkeley, USA