Although broadly used, in education, the term inclusion is not always fully understood. This book explores inclusion through a wide range of themes and issues, using examples of practice and learning drawn from research to provide specific examples and supports readers by presenting case studies with key areas for discussion.
Understanding Inclusion is a rich, comprehensive exploration of inclusion in education, challenging us to think about being 'inclusive' in its broadest sense. It unpicks a wide range of complex themes and issues that impact on educational practice, supporting educational professionals in helping teachers and learners understand difference as the norm, and not the exception.
Underpinned by the latest research, discussion is brought to life through vignettes of real experiences and examples of practice from a range of settings and across continents. Chapters consider crucial aspects of inclusion:
Social inclusion and social class
Global perspectives on culture and identity
Aspirations and social mobility
Relationships and sexual behaviours
Gender equality and diversity
Perceptions of ability and disability
Barriers to learning
Multilingualism in schools
Religion and belief
Restorative justice for inclusion
Inclusion and the arts
Teaching Assistants and inclusion
The central role of leadership.
Written by experts with extensive experience in a range of educational contexts, Understanding Inclusion is designed for all those engaged in understanding the complexities of teaching and learning. With reflective questions and selected reading designed to support further study, it will be essential reading for students on Education Studies and related course, and pre- and in-service teachers.
"It's a book to realy make the reader think about their own practice, with reflective questions (pause for thought) and selected reading designed to support further study. Valuable reading for students on Education Studies and related course, and pre- and in-service teachers."- Parents in Touch