The Reader's Guide to Lesbian and Gay Studies surveys some 470 entries on individuals, arts and culture, ethics, religion, and philosophical issues, historical figures and ideas, language and literature, law and politics, medicine and biology.
The Reader's Guide to Lesbian and Gay Studies surveys the field in some 470 entries on individuals (Adrienne Rich); arts and cultural studies (Dance); ethics, religion, and philosophical issues (Monastic Traditions); historical figures, periods, and ideas (Germany between the World Wars); language, literature, and communication (British Drama); law and politics (Child Custody); medicine and biological sciences (Health and Illness); and psychology, social sciences, and education (Kinsey Report).
"Highly recommended as collection aid for all libraries supporting lesbian and gay studies." -- Choice"A remarkable and groundbreaking work. An essential purchase for human sexuality and gay and lesbian study collections, it belongs in most academic and public libraries." -- Library Journal"Kudos to editor Murphy and the diverse and notable roster of advisers and contributors who worked together to create what may well be the first reference guide and index to existing academic literature on topics important in lesbian and gay studies.. This is an excellent guide for serious researchers at both undergraduate and graduate levels." -- Booklist/RBB