Completely updated and restructured to reflect the new AS/A Level Economics specifications, this highly acclaimed and well respected text book is written in a student friendly manner.
Beardshaw, Brewster, Cormack, Ross
Economics: A Student's Guide 5e
' In what is a tour de force of economic theory - suitable for both (able) 'A' Level students and fresh-faced undergraduates alike, the authors have successfully updated and enhanced the work whilst retaining the authoritative character which characterised its previous editions.....'
EBEA Journal (Review of fourth edition, 1998)
Economics: A Student's Guide is a highly acclaimed and well-respected textbook that is unique in its appeal to both A-level and undergraduate students. Written in a student-friendly and jargon-free manner, the book combines the strengths of traditional economics texts with active learning methods.
The fifth edition has built on the strengths of previous editions while taking account of the changes in the teaching of economics, the discipline and the economy itself. Learning is made enjoyable and effective, yet the book retains the depth of coverage necessary for a thorough understanding of the complex subject matter.
· Presents information in a lucid but concise manner.
· Provides a pluralistic, balanced approach to a comprehensive coverage of economics.
· Contains an excellent pedagogy, including: learning outcomes at the start of chapters, notes on common misunderstandings, student activities, detailed chapter summaries, end of chapter questions and data response sections.
· Gives a comprehensive approach to welfare economics incorporating the green debate.
· Illustrates real world issues with numerous up-to-date newspaper articles (many from the Financial Times) and case studies.
· Restructured to take account of the recent changes to the A-level syllabus while retaining the approach that has ensured its unique appeal to both A-level students and undergraduates.
· More coverage of the service sector, growth, the global economy, development and transition economies.
· Includes new material on housing, Europe and the economics of sport and leisure.
· Includes a concise economic history and analysis of macroeconomic policy in the latter half of the twentieth century to 2001.
· Updated and improved pedagogy including: new and revised case studies, data response questions and worked examples.
Economics: A Student's Guide is ideally suited to both A-level and undergraduate students taking an introductory course in economics. It is also ideal for GNVQ and HND-level courses and professional examinations.
This fifth edition of John Beardshaw's text has been revised and updated by David Brewster (University of Westminster), Paul Cormack (Sheffield Hallam University) and Andrew Ross (Office of National Statistics).