Focuses on a special kind of order referred to as aperiodic order. This book covers several topics dealing with the role of aperiodic order in numerous domains of the physical sciences and technology. It also presents the most characteristic features of various aperiodic systems.
An excellent guide to the many facets and applications of aperiodic structures, this interdisciplinary book examines the role of aperiodic order in science and technology. It presents several aspects of various aperiodic systems, including physical and structural properties. The author illustrates how to properly study physical systems through useful mathematical approaches, such as quasiperiodic lattices, effective Hamiltonians, and transfer matrices. He also explores applications in multilayered optical systems, photonic and phononic quasicrystals, complex metallic alloys, and DNA-based devices.
? This superb book introduces one to the science of aperiodic structures. I would recommend it to anyone with more than a fleeting interest in taking their education beyond that of the oft-treated-in-undergraduate-courses regular, infinitely repeating, crystal lattice or the periodic Fourier series expansion of repeat structures. Here we have a text which gently introduces the wonderful world of aperiodicity and then takes one on a stroll through some of the scientific examples of interest. ? an excellent book ? Unfamiliar concepts are introduced gently with some nice historical background and one is not often weighed down by too much technical detail. For postgraduate researchers who may wish to familiarise themselves with the fascinating world of aperiodicity, this is a must read.
-J.R. Sambles, Contemporary Physics, Vol. 51, Issue 4, July 2010