Forty of John Gierach's finest essays on fishing and life, including extracts from Trout Bum, Another Lousy Day in Paradise and The View from Rat Lake.
This is the first anthology of Gierach's work, and is sure to please his many fans, who include Eric Clapton, Jeremy Paxman and George Melly. To enter Gierach's world is to experience the daily wonder, challenge, and occasional absurdity of the fishing life - from such rituals as the preparation of camp coffee to the random, revelatory surprises, such as the flashing beauty of a grayling leaping out of the water. In rivers from Scotland to Colorado, he vividly captures both the subtle rhythms of the angling life and the natural world on which it depends.
If Mark Twain were alive and a modern-day fly fisherman, he still would be hard put to top John Gierach