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Critical Inuit Studies (Stern, Pamela (Hrsg.) / Stevenson, Lisa (Hrsg.))
Critical Inuit Studies
Untertitel An Anthology of Contemporary Arctic Ethnography
Autor Stern, Pamela (Hrsg.) / Stevenson, Lisa (Hrsg.)
Verlag Nebraska
Sprache Englisch
Einband Fester Einband
Erscheinungsjahr 2006
Seiten 302 S.
Artikelnummer 2294657
ISBN 978-0-8032-4303-3
CHF 92.00
Fremdlagertitel, Lieferzeit unbestimmt.
Offers an overview of the state of Inuit studies. This work showcases the methodologies and interpretive perspectives, and presents instructive case studies with individuals and communities. It is a useful reading for students and scholars interested in circumpolar North and in contemporary Native communities.

Over the past decade, some of the most innovative work in anthropology and related fields has been done in the Native communities of circumpolar North America.

Pamela Stern is an assistant professor of anthropology at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. She is the author of Historical Dictionary of the Inuit. Lisa Stevenson is a research fellow in the Department of Social Medicine at Harvard University.