Consultants and nurses in palliative medicine who do not have a background in oncology need to know about the different types of cancer to be able to deal with palliation in these patients. The new edition of this popular book continues to provide comprehensive coverage of cancer management aimed at palliative care professionals. To aid understanding in the specialty, the format of the book has been thoroughly revised to include numerous tables, figures, algorithms, case histories and key points to ensure that it will prove an invaluable, practical guide to oncology for all health care professionals involved in the care of patients with malignant disease.
The book provides a comprehensive overview of the management of malignant disease from the perspective of palliative medicine. The pathology, diagnosis and management of individual tumour sites are described with an emphasis on the symptoms produced in advanced disease and the place of oncological treatment in their management. Introductory chapters present the principles of oncological management and later chapters address specific symptoms from the viewpoint of their pathophysiology and management. Each chapter is enhanced by typical case histories and patient journeys.
Consultants and nurses in palliative medicine who do not have a background in oncology need to know about the different types of cancer to be able to deal with palliation in these patients. The new edition of this popular book continues to provide comprehensive coverage of cancer management
aimed at palliative care professionals. The opening chapters describe the principles that lie behind surgical, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy treatments for cancer. Further chapters look in detail at different cancers, their aetiology, pathology and management pathways. The book goes on to
consider the effects of advanced or metastatic cancer at various sites in the body, with emphasis on the pathophysiology of symptoms and the key factors that may influence treatment decisions. This book will help the reader to identify opportunities for active palliative care and focuses on the
problems of recurrent and advanced cancer, discussing the key factors that may influence treatment decisions.
To aid understanding in the specialty, the format of the book has been thoroughly revised to include numerous tables, figures, algorithms, case histories and key points to ensure that it will prove an invaluable, practical guide to oncology for all health care professionals involed in the care of
patients with malignant disease.
A text which provides adequate information, is up-to-date, and avoids provincial preferences in cancer management is an important contribution to the field... This book is well constructed, encompasses a vast array of topics and is multiauthored by writing style... This text will be helpful for those who are entering palliative medicine from a nononcology background. Physicians in training, nurses and other healthcare professionals will find this text a basic background resource to the field of oncology, which is not overwhelming in detail.