Race relations are one of the most fraught issues in the world. Almost everywhere in the world where different races rub against each other there is racism and friction. The problem is most acute with displaced indigenous people. White Australia - with the history of its terrible treatment of the Aborigines is an extreme case study. In this brilliant essay, Germaine Greer shows how it could, should and must be different. The problem is not the Aborigines but the ´settler society´ and what it has done to the country. She shows how Australians must embrace their aboriginality. By extension the argument applies to the whole world and to the unequal relationships between people. But as always with Germaine Greer it is argued with wit, humour, anger, passion, and superbly memorable prose. Germaine Greer is worth reading on any subject; she is at her most powerful and polemical when faced with real wrongs that need righting.