Whether you're a teacher or sales professional, you will not achieve success unless you believe in yourself, the organization you work for, and the product you are selling.
The two professions are closely intertwined-as Jack Malcolm, sales trainer, rightly realized when he said, "Good salespeople do a lot of teaching, and good teachers do a lot of selling. Both professionals only succeed if their customers or pupils do-you can't be a teacher unless someone learns, and you definitely can't sell without someone buying."
In this survival guide for teachers and sales professionals, the authors draw on proven techniques that allow you to be more dynamic while keeping others engaged, productive, and successful. Learn how to:
mentally prepare for the year to come;
overcome professional and political obstacles to success;
get to know your clients; and
work with peers and partners.
You'll also learn how to keep subject matter relevant to students or prospects by encouraging group discussions and using interactive websites to drive your point home and make learning fun.
Get insights to succeed as a teacher and in sales with this survival guide that draws upon lessons from both fields.