Eine systematische, moderne Behandlung der Festkörpermechanik, motiviert durch alltägliche technische Anwendungen! Der Autor nimmt auch zu Themen Stellung, die in Einführungslehrbüchern der Festkörpermechanik oft ausgespart werden, z. B.l zur Phänomenologie des Verhaltens von Werkstoffen. Alle theoretischen Konzepte wurden anhand gut verständlicher Beispiele für die Praxis aufbereitet. Mit zahlreichen Rechenaufgaben, die für das MATLAB-Paket konzipiert sind.
This book provides a systematic, modern introduction to solid mechanics that is carefully motivated by realistic Engineering applications. Based on 25 years of teaching experience, Raymond Parnes uses a wealth of examples and a rich set of problems to build the reader's understanding of the scientific principles, without requiring ´higher mathematics´.
Highlights of the book include
* The use of modern SI units throughout
* A thorough presentation of the subject stressing basic unifying concepts
* Comprehensive coverage, including topics such as the behaviour of materials on a phenomenological level.
* Over 600 problems, many of which are designed for solving with MATLAB, MAPLE or MATHEMATICA.
Solid Mechanics in Engineering is designed for 2-semester courses in Solid Mechanics or Strength of Materials taken by students in Mechanical, Civil or Aeronautical Engineering and Materials Science and may also be used for a first-year graduate program.