Much Wider Than a Line is the second installment in SITElines, a reimagined biennial series with a focus on contemporary art from the Americas. Featuring over 30 artists from 10 countries and five new commissions, SITElines 2016 articulates the interconnectedness of the Americas and various shared experiences such as colonial legacies, the vernacular and relationships to the land. The catalogue includes works by artists Xenobia Bailey, Lina Bo Bardi, Francisca Benitez, Margarita Cabrera, Raven Chacon, Benvenuto Chavajay, Lewis deSoto, Aaron Dysart, Carla Fernández, Pablo Helguera, Graciela Iturbide, Zacharias Kunuk, David Lamelas, Cildo Meireles and Erika Verzutti, plus new commissioned pieces by Jonathas De Andrade, Anna Boghiguian, Sonya Kelliher-Combs, William Cordova, Jorge Gonzáalez and Julia Rometti & Victor Costales.