The Ozark Trilogy (previously published in 1981) is a widely acclaimed fantasy/science fiction story with, as the title suggests, very strong ties to the Ozark region. Twelve Fair Kingdoms, The Grand Jubilee, And Then There ll Be Fireworksthe books that comprise the trilogychronicle life on the planet Ozark and its Confederation of Continents, which are appropriately named Arkansaw, Oklahomah, Mizzurah, Tinaseeh, Kintucky, and Marktwain. However, the story told here involves much more than a mere transplant of Ozark culture and heritage onto a new planet. While this new Ozark culture maintains and even intensifies many of the "real" Ozark traditions and customs, the planet Ozark combines many new, fantastical elements with traditional ways. Mules on Ozark fly, and the wise "Grannys" also work magic."