Beginning or completing any writing project can be highly daunting work. Faded with the often terrifying blank page, many writers find themselves frozen by indecision and doubt. Creativity Rules! addresses these anxieties -- and the whole writing process -- through an extensive series of engaging exercises that allow the writer to break down a project into a collection of not-so-daunting "tasks" that put the writer directly and quickly into the act of writing.
Unlike many current books on the process of writing, Creativity Rules! transcends dry-as-dust formulas or off-in-the-ether philosophies. It's a practical, witty and inviting kick in the pants that helps the writer approach a seemingly unconquerable project with a handy fistful of powerful, proven, nuts-and-bolts writing strategies that encourage creative flights of fancy.
From assessing what the writer wishes to accomplish through conceiving, outlining and developing a story, Creativity Rules! provides sound, easily accessed tactics and exercises that are designed to make the act of writing both joyous and pain free.