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Post-Object Fandom (Williams, Rebecca)
Post-Object Fandom
Untertitel Television, Identity and Self-narrative
Autor Williams, Rebecca
Verlag Bloomsbury
Co-Verlag Bloomsbury Academic USA (Imprint/Brand)
Sprache Englisch
Einband Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Erscheinungsjahr 2016
Seiten 248 S.
Artikelnummer 19064811
ISBN 978-1-5013-1998-3
CHF 66.00
Lieferbar in ca. 10-20 Arbeitstagen
Fandom is generally viewed as an integral part of everyday life which impacts upon how we form emotional bonds with ourselves and others in a modern, mediated world. Whilst it is inevitable for television series to draw to a close, the reactions of fans have rarely been considered. Williams explores this everyday occurence through close analysis of television fans to examine how they respond to, discuss, and work through their feelings when shows finish airing. Through a range of case studies, including The West Wing (NBC, 2000-2006), Lost (ABC 2004 -2010), Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-2003), Doctor Who (BBC 1963-1989; 2005-), The X-Files (FOX, 1993-2002), Firefly (FOX, 2002) and Sex and the City (HBO, 1998-2004), Williams considers how fans prepare for the final episodes of shows, how they talk about this experience with fellow fans, and how, through re-viewing, discussion and other fan practices, they seek to maintain their fandom after the show's cessation. An important contribution to fan studies, audience studies, and television studies in the digital age, this book explores how devoted viewers deal with TV shows' (un)intentional endings, transmedia continuations, and uncertain industry hiatuses. Always inspired and acute in her analysis, Rebecca Williams tackles a range of case studies from Doctor Who to Friends to The West Wing. Post-Object Fandom is such a good read, you simply won't want it to end.
Rebecca Williams is Senior Lecturer in Communication, Cultural and Media Studies at the University of South Wales. She has published on television fans and audiences in journals including Continuum, Popular Communication, Television & New Media, Popular Music & Society, and Participations and recently edited Torchwood Declassified: Investigating Mainstream Cult Television (2013).