Between the two of them, Judy Jewell and Bill McRae have lived in and traveled around Oregon for more than 50 years. During this time, they've also strayed out of state to research and write Moon Handbooks to Montana, Utah, and southern Utah's national parks (like Zion and Bryce). Asked to revise and update Moon Oregon, Bill admitted that he'd been dying for an excuse to go to the John Day Fossil Beds. And Judy reckoned that it was high time for her to revisit Brookings, where she'd worked for the Forest Service back in the early 1980s. The list of favourite destinations began to tumble out of their mouths: The Wallowas! Frenchglen! The Crooked River! Sign us on, they said... we're ready to hit the road! Judy graduated from Reed College and worked at Portland's renowned Powell's Books for 14 years as a book buyer and manager, until she decided to leave to write travel books. When she's not traveling around the West, she now works as a technical and scientific editor and a yoga teacher. Bill has written for Frommer's, Lonely Planet, and Mobil Guides, and has provided content for 1000 Places to See in the USA and Canada Before You Die. He has also edited books for National Geographic and provided content for websites like GORP and Expedia. Judy and Bill both live in Portland, Oregon. |