Take a Wilderness Trip Filled with Awe and Adventure Legendary Maine Guide Gil Gilpatrick skillfully weaves fact and fiction to whisk you back through time on the Allagash waterway. Gilpatrick starts your journey by guiding you through the present-day Allagsh region. Significant historic and natural sights are highlighted and punctuated with anecdotes of personal experiences. You'll learn about Maine's colorful lumbering industry that dates back to the middle of the 1800s. Discover what a well-engineered operation lumbering was, and the hard everyday life of a lumberman. Along the way, Gilpatrick introduces you to lumberjack characters like Mushrat Murphy, and takes you to lumber camps and onto the river to experience the life of the river driver. A historic journey on the ALlagash is not complete without the Bear Clan of the Wabnaki, whose use of the river has been traced back to the end of the last ice age. You'll revel in the colorful lore and legend of these Native American's, and get acquainted with the Great Spirit, or Manitou, and Gluskabe, a tribal hero. This book, along with Gilpatrick's book The Allagash Guide, will make you an Allagash expert the first time out.