Cat O' Nine Tales is the fifth collection of irresistible short stories from the master storyteller Jeffrey Archer, illustrated by the internationally acclaimed artist, Ronald Searle, creator of Molesworth.
These twelve yarns are satisfying and ingeniously plotted, featuring richly drawn characters and Jeffrey Archer's trademark deliciously unexpected conclusions. They feature the mad, the bad and the dangerous to know, as well as more poignant and telling characters. As a collection they confirm his position as a master storyteller.
Cat O' Nine Tales is the sixth collection of irresistible short stories from the master storyteller, illustrated by the internationally acclaimed artist, Ronald Searle, creator of Molesworth.
These twelve yarns are satisfying and ingeniously plotted, featuring richly drawn characters and Jeffrey Archer's trademark deliciously unexpected conclusions. They feature the mad, the bad and the dangerous to know, as well as more poignant and telling characters. As a collection they confirm his position as one of the best storytellers alive today.
Praise for Jeffrey Archer's short stories
'Somerset Maugham never penned anything so swift or urbanely witty as this' Publishers Weekly
'Jeffrey Archer plays a subtle cat-and-mouse game with the reader in twelve original short stories that end, more often than not, with our collective whiskers twitching in surprise' New York Times
Stylish, witty and constantly entertaining . . . Jeffrey Archer has a natural aptitude for short stories