William Allcorn, a former US army officer who served in Vietnam, has a long standing interest in forts and fortifications of all eras, and over the years has visited and photographed many sites. For several years he lived in Luxembourg and Germany, which afforded him the opportunity to extensively visit and explore the heart of the Maginot Line. William has acted as a historical consultant for several documentary television programmes on fortification related topics, and has written several articles for FORT, the journal of the Fortress Study Group. He lives in Southern California.
Jeff Vanelle is a graduate of Sup Info Com (the computer graphics university in France) and currently works as a Lead Artist for a major British video games developer. Jeff is passionate about digital artwork and he has contributed to the production of numerous games and television commercials in France and in the UK. He lives in Bedfordshire . Vincent Boulanger was born in Paris. He studied art at the ESAG (Ecole superieure d'art graphique), and then began work as a freelance illustrator. He has produced illustrations for numerous publishers and commercial organisations, and has also worked as a designer for computer games and as a comic book illustrator. Vincent lives in Clisson, Brittany, with his wife and two sons.