Fully revised to reflect the latest advancements in the field, the third edition of Sound Linkage provides a guide to phonological techniques for improving the reading comprehension skills of students with reading delays and dyslexia.
The updated edition of this successful resource has been developed to support children with reading delays and dyslexia. It contains a phonological training programme, an explanation of how this programme can be embedded within a broader reading intervention, a standardized test of phonological awareness and a methodology to grade children's reading books.
* This third edition has been revised throughout to include the latest developments in the field
* These resources have been used with a wide range of children and found to be suitable for use with any reading-delayed children, irrespective of cognitive ability and age
* All activities are accompanied by a set of photocopiable record sheets, a set of pictures, and an appendix of additional activities useful in helping children master a particular skill or to reinforce existing learning
* The ten sections of activities within the guide include: identification of words and syllables; identification and supply of rhyming words; identification and discrimination of phonemes; and blending, segmentation, deletion, substitution and transposition of phonemes within words.