Hanukkah is the holiday that lights up our lives every winter. The glow of the menorah reminds us of the light that shines brightly within us and the power we have to make the world a better place. This book is filled with over 101 stories of personal memories, anecdotes, and tales from celebrities to people like you and me. Here you will find heart-warming reminiscences about Hanukkah experiences across the globe from an RV campground in California, on the ice in Finland, even aboard Spaceship Hubble. There s also a chapter just for latkes, including the new chocolate chip ones. Hanukkah is a joyful holiday. Whatever one s religion, it s a testament to the universal human values of dedication, perseverance, generosity, and remembrance. Whether it s sharing stories with our families today or passing on traditions for tomorrow s generation, Hanukkah is a festival of family, celebration, and joy.