One of the most common mistaken conceptions of the average student of the occult sciences, and of so-called "psychic phenomena" in general, is that which may be expressed by the term "supernatural." This term is used to express the idea of "that which is outside of the realm of Nature, and of Nature's laws."
As a matter of fact we have no direct knowledge whatsoever of anything that is "outside of the realm of nature, and of Nature's laws." It is true that we may profess to believe in powers and beings entirely apart from the great realm of Nature-in fact, most persons do believe in such powers and beings in connection with their formal religion-but their belief is entirely within the category of Faith.
In Genuine Mediumship Swami Bhakta Vishita addresses the aspects of "The Invisible Powers" from Mental Vibrations and Clairvoyance to Spirit Signals, Inspirational Speaking and more.