A Thinking in the Rain Adventure Story!
Please meet Anastasia Pickering. She is a six-year-old philosopher who uses her out-of-the-mouth-of babes wisdom to influence the characters in her life. Her innocent process always concludes with a cleansing, colorful rain that leaves hearts mended and emotions soothed.
Today is a very special day, for it is Anastasia’s sixth birthday and the day she gets her very first dog! A trip to the local animal shelter provides the perfect pet, but as the family leaves the shelter, their new dog, Rufus, seems frightened. Rain starts to fall as Anastasia ponders what will help her new dog feel better. Through the guidance of Patience, a ponytail-riding, blueberry-snitching fairy, Anastasia patiently gives her new doggie time to adapt. Practicing patience turns the raindrops into twinkling colors that magically help Rufus trust his new best friend. As the family drives home, a double-tiered rainbow blankets the sky. . .is that a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?
Patience is important to use but hard to learn for Anastasia Pickering ("Pickles) on her ?doggie day at last" sixth birthday, for the excitement of the dog selection process tests her patience at every turn. . .and raindrops start to fall. With the guidance of Patience, a ponytail-riding, blueberry-snitching fairy, Pickles patiently allows her new shelter dog time to adapt. The now colorful, healing raindrops yield to a beautiful double-tiered rainbow as the family drives home with Rufus, their new family member. Children learn about the virtue of patience, as well as the value of a positive attitude, for anyone can have a rainy day! It also helps children understand the importance of listening to their fairy/inner wisdom when they find themselves in a ?pickle?