Dieser Band führt anhand vieler Beispiele aus Naturwissenschaft und Technik in spezielle Kapitel der Zuverlässigkeitsanalyse ein. Theoretische Ausführungen werden anschaulich mit praktischen Anwendungen, meist aus der Industrie, verknüpft, um den Leser zur tiefgründigen Einarbeitung in die Konzepte zu motivieren. Erläutert werden auch relevante Näherungen und Randwertsätze.
Expert practical and theoretical coverage of runs and scans
This volume presents both theoretical and applied aspects of runs and scans, and illustrates their important role in reliability analysis through various applications from science and engineering. Runs and Scans with Applications presents new and exciting content in a systematic and cohesive way in a single comprehensive volume, complete with relevant approximations and explanations of some limit theorems.
The authors provide detailed discussions of both classical and current problems, such as:
* Sooner and later waiting time
* Consecutive systems
* Start-up demonstration testing in life-testing experiments
* Learning and memory models
* "Match" in genetic codes
Runs and Scans with Applications offers broad coverage of the subject in the context of reliability and life-testing settings and serves as an authoritative reference for students and professionals alike.
"...provides excellent coverage of the topic of scans, and runs, including a nice historical account and guide to the literature..." (Technometrics, Vol. 44, No. 4, November 2002)