That Man from C.A.M.P., Jackie Holmes, says: "If there's one subject almost certain to break the ice, and sometimes even bring things to a boiling point, it's the subject of Astrology. I touched upon it ever so briefly in Sex and the Single Gay, and was nearly deluged by remarks about my remarks. At this point I'm probably expected to make a ringing defense of the star system, or admit that it's all a put-on. Sorry, but I'm just not going to do either. The fact is, Astrology can be useful and awesomely accurate, but if taken in the wrong light, it can be a sheer farce. The stars impel, they don't compel. In other words, they nudge you into certain channels, but they don't force you." This witty guide to gay astrology, a book which has become a high-priced and -prized collector's edition, is now available for the first time in over four decades!