Professor Russell G. Foster, PhD, FRS, is the Head of the Nuffield Laboratory of Ophthalmology at the John Radcliffe Hospital, University of Oxford and Senior Kurti Fellow, Brasenose College. He has published more than 120 original reports and reviews, many in top-ranked clinical journals and many book chapters and editorials. Professor Foster is also the author of several books on circadian rhythms, including the very successful Rhythms of Life (Profile Books, 2005) which explained the new science of chronobiology to the lay reader as well as becoming a standard text on university courses around the world. More recently, he has published Seasons of Life (Profile Books, 2010).
Professor Steven W. Lockley, PhD, is a Neuroscientist in the Division of Sleep Medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital, and Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School in Boston, USA. He has published more than 50 original reports, reviews, and editorials and has also written chapters for several neuroscience and sleep disorders textbooks. |